Getting Started Ch. 01: Mentors
When our kids were grown and out of the house, Jan and I found ourselves sitting and watching TV on too many nights after work. Like many other couples, our lives had centered around raising kids. So, with those obligations done, there seemed to be a gap in our lives. Jan was very much into socializing. We did go out with friends occasionally. But, Jan really missed the numerous interactions with the kids and their friend's parents at after-school activities. Our jobs weren't helping her with her social needs, since she was working from home a lot. We still stay in touch with the kids, and we see them rather often. But, with the youngest now away at college, and the older ones out on their own, it just isn't the same. After about a year of this, we realized we needed MORE. Most of the friends we did go out with or invite over for dinner started to feel like part of the routines. It was somewhat different interacting with our peers instead of the kids. We just didn't f...